Thursday, July 12, 2012

Feature and Follow Friday #1

Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.

Q. I wanted to be a book blogger because it combines the two things I love the most -- books and writing! I also love writing book reviews and sharing my thoughts on them. If I love a book, I want the WHOLE world to know about it! My friend was the one who started book blogging and she would send me her links every time she posted. She was like "It's summer and we're bored. Might as well do something productive!". I basically learned everything I know about writing book reviews from reading hers!

The free books are also a plus ;)


  1. Hm. Interesting answer. I think a lot of our answers will have a similar feel to it.

    Thanks for stopping by,
    @ Livin' Life Through Books

  2. It's nice to be able to talk to others with the same passion.

    New Follower

    My FF

    1. When I tried to go on your blog to subscribe, it said "You do not have permission to view this blog. It may contain content that is suitable only for adults." Maybe you should check your settings just in case, so other people can follow back :)

      Or it might just be my computer. Idk.

  3. Free books are definitely a plus. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! Now following via Linky! :)

  4. Welcome to the blogging world! Awesome answer! I'm a new follower! My Follow

  5. New follower!!! I hope you enjoy blogging.I also started this summer right after finals because I was bored and I was reading anyway,so might as well share it with fellow book lovers :D

  6. Great answer! Why the heck not start a blog? New follower here, hooray! By the end of the day you'll have hundreds! ;)
    Hopping through with My FF!
    Happy Friday!

  7. welcome to the blogging world! My blog was kinda born out of boredom too--I mean, why not? And now I can't imagine NOT blogging!
    new follower :)

    Here's my FF

  8. Cool! Yeah I love that I can share what books I absolutely love! It's so much fun running a book blog :)

    New Follower via RSS!

    My FF

  9. Hey, me too. I am also a reader and a writer. Book blogging works well for us. :)

    New follower.

  10. Glad you found a way to combine your two loves! New follower.

    -Amanda P
    Paranormal Romance

  11. Great answer!

    I am a new follower, I'd love it if you visited me and returned the favour.

    My FF

  12. Reading and Writing ~ what's not to love :). *New Follower*

    You can visit me @ Realms of an Open Mind

    Happy Reading :)

  13. New Follower!
    Great answer. I also can' stop talking about my favorite books.
    Happy blogging. :)

    My FF

  14. It also combined both of my passions too!
    New follower!! Great blog!

    My F&F. :)

  15. LOL it's summer and we're bored... Story of my freaking life!!! Sad but true. When I read a really good book I'm the exact opposite of you, I don't want anyone to know about it because I'm a selfish bugger and want the joy all to myself... I still blog about it though so ... I make no sense lol! Great answer! New follower!

    My Follow Friday

  16. Hi there! Thanks for dropping by! and YES! I am totally in sync with you on that one! There's no better way of getting both of those things down with one stone, huh? :) New Linky follower! <3 Have a great weekend!

    Vivian @ Vivaciously, Vivian

  17. Great answer and welcome aboard! Thank you for stopping by my blog! I am now following yours via GFC.

  18. Thanks for stopping by - new follower (GFC & Linky).

    I originally started my blog with the intention of posting some photography and writing, but never quite seemed to do much of either. It was moving into book reviews finally got me past the procrastination hump. :)

    Bob @ Beauty in Ruins

  19. Great answer! One of the reason I started blogging was for the very same thing: my love for writing and reading! New follower :) MY FF:World of Books

  20. I love to read and review books, have a great Friday!

  21. Welcome to the world of book blogging!! I saw you were a newbie ---it's an amazingly fun idea. :) I looove my blog!

    WELCOME to this wonderful world!
    The Brunette Librarian Blog

  22. Thanks for stopping by my FF post :) Have a fab weekend!

  23. Nice to meet you :-) Thanks for the follow, I'm following back.

    1. Yes, book blogging is sucha great combination of reading and writing! Great answer.(:

      *New follower via GFC.<3

  24. Great Answer! It's nice to see young adults doing something productive with their summer vacations. :) What better way to spend a summer than curling up with an awesome book. I started book blogging because of my friends too. :)

    Thanks for stopping by earlier!

    Following you back.

    My Feature & Follow Friday
    Melissa @Spews of My Views

  25. Books & writing was something I'd loved to combine too :D Great answer! New follower ^^

  26. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm following you, have a great weekend!

  27. Oh nice! I've tried to get my friend into blogging but I don't think she likes the idea. But I'll keep at her! Took forever but once Twilight hit theaters she started to read some of the books I was reading. But she's way behind me! Hee hee!

    Thanks for visiting and following my blog! I follow you now too!

  28. I think everyone wants to spread good book love when they read a book they can't put down!

    Thanks for the follow, following back!

  29. Thanks for stopping by, following back. Sharing your book love is great

  30. I love reading, and am starting to love writing! Whatever the reason, I am glad everyone started blogging! It is a great community and I love meeting new people. :-)

    Thanks for the follow, and I am a new follower via Linky.

  31. I so wish I'd found out about blogging like 5 years ago, while I was still in college getting my BA. Boy did I waste a lot of time looking for books to read. Now I can't seem to read fast enough to read all the books in my TBR list! Haha! I love book blogging. New follower!

  32. It has been such an amazing experience for me I wish I'd started it sooner!
    New follower :)

  33. Thanks so much for becoming a follower of mine! I'm now following you back via GFC and welcome you to our Friday fun!

    The Scarf Princess

  34. Hi returning the follow! Keep blogging you're doing a great job!

  35. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :) Great answer! We're almost the same. :P

    New follower! :)

  36. Blogging takes up a lot of time but it's so much fun!

    New follower via GFC.

    Hope you'll stop by my new blog, Ensconced in YA!

  37. Welcome to the #FF :) I am a new GFC and linky follower, if you want to know my reasons for blogging, please stop by my FF post.

    Have a great weekend!

  38. Hi Jenny! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm following your blog now, too! Congratulations on the brand new book blog! I hope you have fun with it!

    Tammy @ Into the Mystic

  39. Excellent Answer.

    New follower via GFC

    A Bookish Co-op @

    Btw, I nominated you for The Liebster Award

    For more info:

  40. Hopping through. New follower! Congrats on your first FF. I definitely agree that it's a must to tell the world when you love a book.

  41. Hey there! I just started following you!
    Here is my FF :
    Thanks (:

  42. Thank-you for becoming a new follower, a bit late but I followed you back!

    Scribing Shadows

  43. following back. thanks for checking my blog out

  44. New follower. Thanks for following me.

    Have you joined Netgalley? I recommend it to all new bloggers and people who love free books!

  45. Uh, this girl you're describing sounds awfully familiar ;) Hahahaha, I love you Jenny! :D

    Though, I spammed your email way too much LOL.


  46. شركة الصيانة المنزلية بالمدينة المنورة
    شركة الصيانة المنزلية بالمدينة المنورة تعتبر من أهم الشركات التي يبحث عنها الكثير من سكان المدينة المنورة، فدائماً نكون بحاجة إلى أعمال الصيانة والتشطيبات، ولكن هذا النوع من الأعمال يحتاج إلى أشخاص متخصصون لديهم الخبرة الطويلة في أعمال الصيانة المختلفة مثل السباكة والكهرباء والنقاشة والنجارة وغيرها، ولكن كل هذا لم يتواجد سوى بشركة الصيانة المنزلية بالمدينة المنورة، كما أن الشركة لها الكثير من الفروع الموجودة بمكة، وجدة، والدمام، فنحن نعمل على زيادة أماكننا لكي يكون من السهل الوصول إلينا بأي وقت وفي أي مكان، فنحن نعمل على مدار 24 ساعة طوال الأسبوع على راحة عملائنا الكرام، وإليكم أبرز الخدمات التي تحرص الشركة أن تقدمها لكل عملاء المدينة المنورة والمملكة العربية السعودية.
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    نجار بالمدينة المنورة
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  47. شركة تنظيف مكيفات بالرياض
    تعتبر المكيفات ضرورية ومهمة لنا ولكن غسلها وتنظيفها يحتاج للحرص والحذر والدقة فقد يتم إتلافها إذا تعاملنا معها بطريقة خاطئه لذا توفره عليك شركة تنظيف مكيفات بالرياض حيث تقوم بفك كل قطعة بحرص شديد لتحافظ عليه سليم وتنظفها جيداً بأجود المنظفات المستوردة ويتم تنشيف كل قطعة جيداً ويتم تركيبها بدقة وكفاءة عالية وتعتبر شركة تنظيف مكيفات بالرياض رائدة ومن أفضل الشركات التي تقدم جميع خدمات صيانة و تنظيف للمكيفات المنزلية حيث أصبح من الأن بإمكاننا أن نقوم بعمليات صيانة المكيف المنزلي بكل يسر و نقوم بتوفير أفضل الإمكانيات و الوسائل التي تساعدنا في التخلص من الأعطال الموجودة في جميع أنواع المكيفات

    تنظيف مكيفات بالرياض
    عملية التنظيف الخاصة بالمكيفات تمثل عبئ لذا اتركي لنا هذة المهمة نسلمه لك نظيف حيث نقوم بفك كل قطعة بكل بحرص شديد لنحافظ عليه وتنظيفها جيداً بأجود مساحيق تنظيف مستورده من الخارج ويتم تنشيف كل القطع جيداً ثم تركيبها بكل حذر واهتمام والآن تسلمي المكيف سيدتي جديد ونظيف للغاية فتنظيف مكيفات بالرياض لها دور عظيم فى تقديم النصائح والأفكار الخاصة بتنظيف وترتيب المنزل أو الاستشارات الخاصة بعلاقة الفرد بأسرته وكيف تربى طفل سوى نفسياً وهذا يعنى أنة لن يقتصر دور شركتنا على تقديم خدمات فقط فتنظيف مكيفات بالرياض استوردت أقوى وأفضل وأحدث منظفات خاصة وجيدة للمحافظة على هذة المكيفات من الخدش.

    شركة غسيل مكيفات بالرياض
    يعتبر غسيل المكيفات أمر مقلق للغاية لأنه من الأجهزة الدقيقة التي قد تتلف بسرعة إذا تم التعامل معها بطريقة غير صحيحة لذا توفر عليك شركة غسيل مكيفات بالرياض هذا الأمر حيث يقوم خبرائنا بفك كل قطعة بحرص شديد لتحافظ عليه سليم ويتم غسلها جيداً بأجود منظفات ويتم تنشيف كل قطعة على حدة جيداً ويتم تركيبها بحذر شديد ولنا دور عظيم فى تقديم النصائح بتنظيف وترتيب المنزل والاستشارات الخاصة بعلاقة الفرد وأسرته وكيفية تربيه الأطفال نفسياً وهذا يعنى أنه لن يقتصر دور شركتنا على تقديم خدمات فقط فشركة غسيل مكيفات بالرياض تمتلك أحدث وأفضل منظفات خاصة بالمكيفات اتصل الآن بنا على الأرقام التالية.


I love comments! Feel free to say anything your heart desires :)